If I personally wanted to get an ASU online degree from scratch this is what I would do:
So ASU does not accept ACE or NCCRS. But they do accept CLEP and DSST up to 60 credits of it. Their gen ed requirements are about 45 credits and I believe one could use CLEP and DSST to meet most (if not all) of them. They also accept AP and IB if people took those in HS.
Once that is done get a job at Starbucks working at least 20 hrs a week. Start doing ASU Universal Learner self-paced computer courses. And you can take both the intro to programming and intro to engineering courses. Then apply to ASU comp sci program, transfer in all CLEP, DSST. Fill out and have current FAFSA on file with ASU. Then hit 90 days at Starbucks.
At this point you'd be eligible for free ASU tuition and if everything is done right all your gen eds, free electives and even the intro major courses would be done. I believe you'd only need about 75 credits (maybe even less) or so left all in the major and UL tech electives. Thanks to 7 week terms and year round scheduling the rest of the degree could be done in two years or less for free. Then once I finish the degree quit starbucks.
Plus since the Starbucks commitment is only 20 hrs a week to get the tuition. It would be possible to find a second part-time job more relevant to computer science or somewhat related like entry level IT helpdesk even if it is just a few hrs a week.
Of course this assumes that the person has zero previous RA credit, but I've heard many particpants in Starbucks program have prior RA credit. So one might even have less credits to do. 30 credits must be completed at ASU though.
So ASU does not accept ACE or NCCRS. But they do accept CLEP and DSST up to 60 credits of it. Their gen ed requirements are about 45 credits and I believe one could use CLEP and DSST to meet most (if not all) of them. They also accept AP and IB if people took those in HS.
Once that is done get a job at Starbucks working at least 20 hrs a week. Start doing ASU Universal Learner self-paced computer courses. And you can take both the intro to programming and intro to engineering courses. Then apply to ASU comp sci program, transfer in all CLEP, DSST. Fill out and have current FAFSA on file with ASU. Then hit 90 days at Starbucks.
At this point you'd be eligible for free ASU tuition and if everything is done right all your gen eds, free electives and even the intro major courses would be done. I believe you'd only need about 75 credits (maybe even less) or so left all in the major and UL tech electives. Thanks to 7 week terms and year round scheduling the rest of the degree could be done in two years or less for free. Then once I finish the degree quit starbucks.
Plus since the Starbucks commitment is only 20 hrs a week to get the tuition. It would be possible to find a second part-time job more relevant to computer science or somewhat related like entry level IT helpdesk even if it is just a few hrs a week.
Of course this assumes that the person has zero previous RA credit, but I've heard many particpants in Starbucks program have prior RA credit. So one might even have less credits to do. 30 credits must be completed at ASU though.