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ALEK's (update)
I just got off the phone w/James from ALEK's and he clarified info that I erroneously put out (on InstantCert) based on info ALEK's originally gave me. I was told you CAN go backward on the BLUE LINE in this course. I made (3) separate phone calls to (3) different people at ALEK's and each said, YES, you can go backwards. Corporate originally told me that I could not, that whatever you had in the BLUE, stayed BLUE. This I was told at approx 50%. When I realized I didn't know much more than 70%, I called again and this is where I was told I could lose BLUE, I could keep going back if I didn't do well on the assessments. I posted this info on InstantCert and I believe Cookderosa posted back that this in fact did happen to her son. The confusion stems from the fact that I believe ALEK's looks at their program from the standpoint that everyone is planning on getting to 100% and apparently many are completing these courses through schools or homeschooling. As per James, if you are doing the course independently such as I am, YOU CANNOT GO BACKWARDS ON THE BLUE, ONLY THE GREEN. I stated more than once (and they went in and looked at my account) that I was doing this independently and I only needed 70% BLUE, that ACE would record that and send it to my college. The reason I got a second and a third opinion is I treated this as if I had been given a diagnosis that warranted such. So, I am on the last question of my assessment that either puts me over or not. At that point, I will find out what really happens. This probably pertains to a select few out there, especially in a course as tough as this. To add one other item, I had my wife listen to my 2nd, 3rd conversation just to make sure I was clear w/them. I hope James is right. This is my nightmare course.
Update on above. Apparently after talking to James, he was wrong. I just talked w/ALEK's again since my assessment ended at 69% (I'm royally screwed) and I can go backwards in the BLUE. I'll never use them again.

Did you try doing back to back assessments ?

That was the ticket for me, I think the repetition made it easier for me.

I would try at least 3 in a row. I also was going backwards but on my third one I finally pushed over the magic # .

Not yet. When I mentioned it to them they said not to do that. I think their way of thinking is for me to get a buffer zone, in other words, try to get as much in the green as possible to cover my butt. Hands down, the most frustrating class I've ever taken. It timed out on me quite a few times during the assessment, especially at the end and I kept putting in bogus answers and using the calculator so it wouldn't do that. Still, it timed out AND went to new questions. I recommended ALEK's after I took Algebra (beginning), now, I'm not so sure. I would have been better off taking the class. What a total waste of my time.
It is interesting to me that they recommended you not do that.

One thing I recall by doing the assessments in a row is that it gave me some older info over again in the newer assessment and I think it was because of that that I finally got over the 70%

I don't doubt you. After all there are i n co n s i s t e n c i e s in what each has said. James sounded so in touch, I believed he knew what he was talking about. When he said it works differently for Independent users, I breathed a sigh of relief, but only for a moment. I still feared the worst.
Gary Wrote:It timed out on me quite a few times during the assessment, especially at the end and I kept putting in bogus answers and using the calculator so it wouldn't do that. Still, it timed out AND went to new questions.


Do you have it set to time you out at 30 minutes? If it is timing you out at 10 or 20 minutes you can change it on the edit student account page. Unfortuately, 30 minutes is the maximum.

That's a good question? I'll check. What I was told today is as long as I was staying current in the program, it was probably the server that wasn't sensing key movement. Normally, I might be gullable to that, after all, servers cause headaches. BUT, I don't know what to think. I know at this moment one of my closest advisors in the world is my computer, and I don't like him:mad: . We've been hanging around too much lately, we need a break. Right now, I'm at 69% BLUE, 4% GREEN. How, I haven't a clue. I'll keep going till I feel I'm far enough away from the enemy, then I'll counter. Hopefully, I have enough ammo at that point. Did any of you feel this way w/Stats?
The assessments is the key and yes you can go backwards. That is what is making Aleks respected and why students get credit. They are not easy but they are convenient because they are online. If you get above 60% i would say try for the assessment again.

peace123 Wrote:Gary,

Did you try doing back to back assessments ?

That was the ticket for me, I think the repetition made it easier for me.

I would try at least 3 in a row. I also was going backwards but on my third one I finally pushed over the magic # .

[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet, and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!" Its always sunny in Philadelphia.

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]tesc credit banked
FEMA IS courses- alot

Aleks completed-many of them

Cleps:Spanish 67

Associates in psychology UOP
TESC BA in psychology[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

attempting currently
Masters in counseling
I'm trying another tonight. I'm at 69% & 6% right now after taking the last few days off. I'll go for 3 more %, then I'll go for it. I don't want risk a comprehensive assessment which from what I understand can happen around 90%. I don't need THAT!

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