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Don't worry all. I gave notaseal the Official JtP CLEP Study Tips™ so he should have no problem passing this one. Right, notaseal? Cool
[SIZE="1"]BS General Business, March 2010

CLEP College Algebra 51
CLEP Natural Sciences 63
CLEP Social Sciences and History 59
CLEP A&I Lit. 74
CLEP Intro to Sociology 67
CLEP Info Systems and Computer App. 58
CLEP Intro to Psychology 66
CLEP Intro to Business Law 64
CLEP Principles of Management 73
CLEP Principles of Marketing 63
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 61
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 62
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling 49
DSST Principles of Supervision 61
DSST Substance Abuse 441 (Pass)
DSST Business Law II 67
DSST Management Information Systems 436
DSST Principles of Statistics 466
DSST Principles of Finance 435
DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 57
DSST Criminal Justice 431
ECE English Comp C :mad:
ECE World Population A
ECE Ethics, Theory and Practice A
ECE Organizational Behavior A
ECE Human Resource Management B
EC Business Policy B
Straighterline Accounting I B
Straighterline Accounting II B
CSU Pueblo Ops Management A
I had a friend that was in the same boat as you. He went 0-4 on all his test and he had just given up on ever taking them again. What I told him was to see if there was anything in his life that was not letting him focus and have a clear mind when he went in to take the test. He was going through a divorce. After that was all over he took 6 months off and started studying again. He is now 6-4.(6 winning streak). Ask yourself the same thing I asked him bud.
Big Grin **Never forget where you came from**Cool

American Goverment 44 (F)
Human Resource Management 49(P)
[COLOR="Blue"]Introduction To Business 412 (P)
Introductory Sociology 52(P)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Lime"]Principles of Management 64 (P)
Principles of Marketing 53 (P)[COLOR="black"]
Principles of Supervision 55 (P)
Intro to Comp 51 (P)[/COLOR][/COLOR]
JTP= 80/80

Thats the future!

Only thing in my life that wouldnt let me focus would be my life. 13hours a day no day off :\

I just cant let 6 months go by with no college!
6 Month Planner
Princples of Marketing
Macroeconomics- Taking online Current grade 88%
Princples of management- Currently studying 1st
College Algebra- 48
Intro To fiction
Intro To Computing- 440/400
A&I- PASS! 52/50 Big Grin
Astronomy- Finish class 90%
English Comp- 54 passssss!
Freshman Comp- 56/50 =D
I hear ya there bud
Big Grin **Never forget where you came from**Cool

American Goverment 44 (F)
Human Resource Management 49(P)
[COLOR="Blue"]Introduction To Business 412 (P)
Introductory Sociology 52(P)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Lime"]Principles of Management 64 (P)
Principles of Marketing 53 (P)[COLOR="black"]
Principles of Supervision 55 (P)
Intro to Comp 51 (P)[/COLOR][/COLOR]
notaseal Wrote:2 weeks from now I shall attempt my 7th test. Princples of Marketing. I have read all the comments on how easy it is, and have seen all the 70s. But I shall not fall for that a 7th time no no. I am going to study study study.
I have a feeling this is going to be the first one I pass Big Grin All of the ones I failed have been by 1-2pts everytime. No more no less :\

Also, I hope I made E-4

That is all Smile

Any test pointers? I always find my self horribly sleepy when I get halfway through regardless of sleep or caffeine.

I cannot speak to the specific exam but I do have advice for the diet/sleepiness and the practice testing before the exam. I advise my students to eat light protein the morning of the exam, like an egg or two and toast. I have coffee the morning of the exam, as usual, but no extra. Make sure you don't eat or drink much the hour before, so you are not distracted.

As to practice tests at home, here is my 101:
1. Find the best practice tests for the exam
2. Begin practice testing before you have studied all the material for your exam. Hitting a question before you know the answer can actually flag that item for the time you hit it in your textbook.
3. Time your first exam, and all others, to get used to answering under time questions.
4. Don’t study before your practice exam. Take it before other studying for the day.
5. Limit breaks, if you break at all, to simulate the actual test.
6. Find a quiet place.
7. Number your paper ahead of time.
8. As you begin, mark each letter on the page and mark with a ? sign if you guessed.
9. Don’t spend much time on each question.
10. If time allows go back and review but watch out. Many students change correct answers to wrong answers.
11. Grade your exam, marking the missed questions with an X and the correct letter.
12. Review answer explanations for incorrect and guessed questions, writing out what you needed to know to get the question correct.
13. Chart your score.
14. Analyze your results to determine weak areas. Spend some time on Wikipedia or with other sources for review.
15. Study another chapter and take another practice exam.

I sound a bit like a mom with too much advise, and I probably am, but I hope one of my suggestions helps. Why the advice on practice testing? Because I think it is the most important part of test prep (no insult to our beloved IC). If you follow the advice above you should know if you are ready before you take the real thing.

Blessings on your efforts.


American Gov, US History 1, US History 2, Computing, Info Systems, Humanities, Sociology, Art, Western Civ I, Western Civ II, Social Sciences and History, Civil War, Business, Vietnam, A&I Lit, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, American Lit, English Lit, Astronomy, Supervision, 1 FEMA, Total -79
Still got a few more weeks to study but heres my current status.

43/55 Official clep study guide 69%

I am finding it extremely difficult to study at work cause I am so tired all the time.

I need a little help on this one..

20) Suzanne wants to start giving tennis lessons to children, and needs to determine the cost in selling price she should charge for lessons. Her friend told her that the markup percent on cost should be 15% and that the amount of markup should be $17.00. What is her cost in selling price?

cost = $100.00; selling price = $25.00
cost = $100.00; selling price = $48.55
cost = $13.00; selling price = $38.00
cost = $113.33; selling price = $130.33 <--- Only reason I guess this one was cause if I minused 17.00 from the amounts 130-17= 113. Just plain luck
cost = $113.33; selling price = $166.66
6 Month Planner
Princples of Marketing
Macroeconomics- Taking online Current grade 88%
Princples of management- Currently studying 1st
College Algebra- 48
Intro To fiction
Intro To Computing- 440/400
A&I- PASS! 52/50 Big Grin
Astronomy- Finish class 90%
English Comp- 54 passssss!
Freshman Comp- 56/50 =D

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