01-29-2007, 05:43 PM
I have a question-
Despite the fact that Excelsior does not recieve Title IV funding, can their tuition and expenses still be deducted from your taxes? I enrolled in order to recieve a Bachelors' which is required for me to recieve a promotion at the job. Also can the Frederick C.C. fees which I paid to have the FEMA courses added to my degree program be considered tax deductible since they were part of my educational pusuit? Thanks in advance for any feedback
Till next time,
Despite the fact that Excelsior does not recieve Title IV funding, can their tuition and expenses still be deducted from your taxes? I enrolled in order to recieve a Bachelors' which is required for me to recieve a promotion at the job. Also can the Frederick C.C. fees which I paid to have the FEMA courses added to my degree program be considered tax deductible since they were part of my educational pusuit? Thanks in advance for any feedback

Till next time,