01-22-2007, 03:31 AM
Basket Weaver Wrote:I am currently taking the sole brick & mortar class needed for my bachelor’s degree, it's English Composition. I'm taking it because it's faster than waiting 2 months for Excelsior to grade an ECE English Comp test:confused: ...... Anyways, my 1,000 word Expository Essay assignment was written on this very subject: Accelerated Distance Learning. I don't think it was too popular with the instructor, as I bashed colleges for being more about the money than the students, but I nevertheless received an "A" on it. I think that once the word gets out, in force, colleges will have no choice but to change their attitude. I know I have become an advocate for testing out of classes as there's no need to waste 8-16 weeks learning/relearning a subject if you can show a mastery of the subject on an objective test.I wish I had seen this post before I posted my question earlier about the Job search and getting a degree online instead of through traditional classes.
I learned about these tests in the military, as did many of the other students on this forum. I know I never would have completed college if weren't for testing out, or IC. Lee
I love the fact that you did an Expository Essay on Accelerated Distance Learning. I am currently taking a speech class online, but we have to go into the classroom and do 3 speeches over an 8 week period. I have to come up with a 5 minute speech for next Thursday. What a great idea. Now the question is, will I get an A?
I love this forum.