burbuja0512 Wrote:Smile and walk away knowing that you'll zip through your degree with little debt if any, while the hater will end up with mountains of debt and at least four years of school (though the average is now closer to five). You could be finished with your graduate degree before they get through their undergrad, so you winI agree with the debt (although it doesn't apply to me...so far) part but I disagree with the last part...I'm finishing my bachelors and masters in 4 years total with only testing out 3 CLEPs...all the rest I'm doing with regular college classes
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]