02-07-2011, 07:32 PM
MA2 Wrote:Is that a serious comment?
Do you dress up when you go to a job interview? Do you do your best to speak intelligently during the interview, and show that you're the right person for the job? What's that called again? Oh yea, perception. You want that person to perceive you as the right candidate for the job. So obviously I am concerned with it. I have taken CLEPs as my signature shows, and have taken online classes.
So because I am worried that a potential employer may view my online school as a "degree mill" means I'm on the wrong site?
Seems a lot smarter to look in to it now, rather than waiting till after I finish the degree. Do a little research now and save a lot of pains later... kind of like a CLEP exam.... imagine that. If you were competing against someone for a job, and that person went to Harvard and you went to UofP online, do you really think that employer cares what degree he has? Or his GPA, what classes he took or CLEP'd etc?
No, he sees that person went to Harvard and that's pretty much that, your UofP degree is useless. So yes, I do care how an employer would view my degree, because if he or she views it as worthless and I don't even get an interview, I just wasted my time and money.
You should probably attend Harvard. The courses that I took there were the best of the best. Harvard Home