11-27-2010, 02:45 AM
Lyanne Wrote:Cookderosa, I am not the op, but I would love to know your opinions on credit banks as I am considering opening one. Thanks!
A credit bank isn't what you think- it's not buying a cumulative transcript. TESC simply is listing your "potential" credit. So, suppose you attend 2 colleges and take 2 types of exams. You have 4 credit sources, and so it seems neat and organized to pay for a credit bank transcript. You send official transcripts TESC ($$$ paying each school for this of course) and you get a notice that your credit bank transcript is ready. So, you take this transcript and forward it to ___whoever__ for __whatever__. Whoever and whatever will not accept this as an official transcript. (why? Because you are not a student at TESC) This type of transcript is likely *there could be exceptions* going to be viewed as a "third party" transcript.
So- you paid for each of your first 4 transcripts to be sent to TESC $$$$
You paid for the credit bank fee $$$$
You bought an (un)official transcript of your credit bank $$$$
and now the whoever/whatever just asked for your 4 official transcripts.
So, you get to return to step 1 and request 4 new official transcripts and do it the way it should have been done in the first place.
Are there exceptions? Maybe. How much does it cost to find out??
Lastly, just because there is credit (potential credit) on a credit bank transcript, do not confuse that with ACTUAL credit earned. The whoever/wherever still gets to decide if they accept the classes/exams you took.
I'm sooo sleepy, I hope that it makes sense. Let me know if it's clear as mud.