10-20-2010, 08:32 PM
MISin08 Wrote:Hey! Welcome to the forum. We've been excited about the BPS. Some thoughts below. Have you employer tuition support?
Professional Core
Leadership 3cr
Project Management 3cr
CompTIA's Project+ certification would get you 2 of the PM credits, but I don't know where you'd get the third. Both of these topics are available as classes from EC, if that helps. I'm 4 cr away from a BSBA, I have project mgt experience, but still found a class useful and fun. Testing out of Leadership might be like testing out of marriage counselingEC offers both classes in 8-week format.
Business and Management Core
Human Resources Management 3cr -- DSST or ECE if you need upper-level
Finance 3cr -- DSST Finance
Global Business 3cr
Integrated Business and Management Assessment 3cr -- capstone course, has to be taken at EC
Additional Credit Component
Any Collegiate-level Study 2cr -- anything you want, I take it you know where to find the CLEP/DSST sites? They are the Ford and Chevy of credit by exam.
Information Literacy 1cr -- see threads on here about how quick this is
Arts and Science
Ethics 3cr -- DSST Business Ethics
Natural Science/Math
College Algebra CLEP or ALEKS or Statistics 3cr -- DSST or ALEKS
Thanks Phillip.cheersmate
[SIZE="4"]Rio Salado College[/SIZE]
AAS in Organizational Management
AAS in Military Leadership
AAS in Business
AAS in Accounting
AAS in Organizational Management
AAS in Military Leadership
AAS in Business
AAS in Accounting