I am a home schooling mom for a reason.:coolgleam:
I do not think "school" is a synonym for "education".
I think the purpose of school is mostly to get official recognition of having basic knowledge in certain areas.
I think the purpose of education is to build knowledge about the world around us and the people in that world.
I do not think school or education is for the purpose of "Being out on your own for the first time, learning about yourself, and cultivating relationships" THAT is what being a grown up is for and I don't think it a good idea for parents to wait until Junior is 18 to dump him in it. I certainly don't think it wise to go neck deep in debt for it and will not do so, not for myself and not for my kids.
I plan to still be nothing more than a wife and home schooling mom of many for at least the next 18 years. I'm happy doing this. To many people, my getting a degree is a waste of time. It will not change my life in some way that matters to the general population, which usually boils down to economics. This is something I've never understood. I guess they think only ignorant and uneducated people should have babies?:toetap:
I'm looking into testing/degree because I enjoy learning, because I want to show my kids it can be done and there's no excuse not to educate oneself. Just let them try to whine about how hard it is to find time to study. LOL Slightly because if we ever move to a stricter home schooling state, hving a BA or BS would make meeting home schooling regulations tons easier.
And only in the very far corners of my mind is the unpleasant fact that should something ever happen to my dh, it might be of some small financial benefit.
I do not think "school" is a synonym for "education".
I think the purpose of school is mostly to get official recognition of having basic knowledge in certain areas.
I think the purpose of education is to build knowledge about the world around us and the people in that world.
I do not think school or education is for the purpose of "Being out on your own for the first time, learning about yourself, and cultivating relationships" THAT is what being a grown up is for and I don't think it a good idea for parents to wait until Junior is 18 to dump him in it. I certainly don't think it wise to go neck deep in debt for it and will not do so, not for myself and not for my kids.
I plan to still be nothing more than a wife and home schooling mom of many for at least the next 18 years. I'm happy doing this. To many people, my getting a degree is a waste of time. It will not change my life in some way that matters to the general population, which usually boils down to economics. This is something I've never understood. I guess they think only ignorant and uneducated people should have babies?:toetap:
I'm looking into testing/degree because I enjoy learning, because I want to show my kids it can be done and there's no excuse not to educate oneself. Just let them try to whine about how hard it is to find time to study. LOL Slightly because if we ever move to a stricter home schooling state, hving a BA or BS would make meeting home schooling regulations tons easier.
And only in the very far corners of my mind is the unpleasant fact that should something ever happen to my dh, it might be of some small financial benefit.
Mom of 11
Graduated 6, still home educating 5
Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12
Mom of 11
Graduated 6, still home educating 5
Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12