08-07-2010, 12:35 PM
sirjake Wrote:"Locks keep honest people honest" is a common adage. Do a Google search if you don't believe me.
To reiterate, I am in FAVOR of locks. I'm saying that people cannot be trusted to the extent that these exams are trusting people. If you're cool with leaving your doors unlocked with valuables present all the time because you believe in the inherent goodness of man or something of that nature, so be it.
It is a common adage, but a poorly worded one in my opinion. It might be clearer if it was :
locks keep dishonest people and those who are honest only when being watched, or not given the chance to be dishonest, etc... honest.
But I can see how that does not flow off the tongue as well.
I do understand your position on locks, and respect your right to have it.
In regards to leaving doors unlocked, as I see it , if someone is going to rob me anyway, why should I also have to deal with the hassle of replacing a broken window or door jam?
I do not live with a fairy tale view of humanity, my opinion is we all have the same 24 hours to make choices in. How we react to the choices made by ourselves and others, is what makes us all different and it is also what forces us to grow.