03-23-2006, 11:36 AM
RBOWMAN Wrote:I'd have to say dantes wins my vote for being harder. I've taken 13 clep's and 2 dantes. I was much more comfortable with the questions on clep than I was on dantes. now maybe some of you feel just the opposite, but for now those are my feelings to date. Take care everyone and pass'em all.
I tend to agree!
I seem to encounter more challenging questions on the DANTES than I do on the CLEPs. Also, DANTES questions sometimes seem less well thought out than the CLEP questions. This has the effect of creating a few questions on each DANTES exam that you think you probably know the answer to...but you're not quite sure because of the way the question or the answer options are worded.
As a result, I often leave a DANTES exam thinking that I may well have aced it...or I may well have completely flunked it. Until I get the score report in the mail a few weeks later, I can never say for sure that I passed.
Having said all that, I have not done badly on any DANTES exam I have taken so far, and I am always VERY PLEASANTLY surprised when my score report arrives.
I suspect that this might be the experience of many other people here too.
Take care,