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N.J. Governor Wants to Merge Thomas Edison Into Rutgers
creationstory - DEBATE FAIL - you lost all credibility when you said you'd rather go to Princeton - have fun there!! You'd be the first graduate EVER!! LOL Princeton hasn't graduated a law class since the before the Civil War!!! Also a LSAC 4.0 from any school is a LSAC 4.0 plain and simple! Maybe you should use and learn bout the Law School Admissions process or visit one of the many law school forums! And who said anything about wanting a Top Firm job?? My interest in law has will not be found in any V-5 V250 firm. I plan on going into Public Interest and in my very specific case whether I graduate from Columbia or Cooley the goal is to get a JD not to get rich. As far as you continuing on about rankings - Rutgers is currently ranked number 66 in the nation out of 2913 4 year degree granting institutions, the schools you mentioned all in the Top-25 with UCLA being the lowest at 24. Using my fancy Rutgers math that ranking puts Rutgers in the 99.92 percentile - not to shabby. For you to argue anything other than that Rutgers is a Tier 1 first class research university is ridiculous. Your argument boils down to this - to use your car analogy - Rutgers is a kick butt fully loaded top of the line Mercedes - however its not a Rolls Royce so therefore it can't be great. Blatant anti-Rutgers trolling as many on the law-school forums would put it! And you still fail to mention why this merger is bad for any reason.

Messages In This Thread
N.J. Governor Wants to Merge Thomas Edison Into Rutgers - by RUTurbo - 03-21-2010, 12:16 AM

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