03-15-2010, 03:55 PM
NAP Wrote:It is my understanding that depths are not general, like Social Science or Natural Science, but are somewhat more specific, like Sociology, Psychology, Biology. Since you might not have a major, they are looking for some depth in 2 areas of study.
Thanks for the clarification. After my last post, I went back to read a post where I'd asked a similar question a long time back. Long story short, I called Excelsior to clarify, and they did say that a depth would be something more specific like Pyschology, History, or Math. While I had them on the phone, I did also clarify that my Gen Ed could count towards a depth.
NAP Wrote:Okay maybe we could get a list started to give some good ideas of what a depth looks like.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling. I think this would be helpful for a lot of people. It gets hard to pick all the information out of the forums.
TMW2010 Wrote:Texas, your original assessment of the depth requirements are correct. I apologize about that. TBH I never really looked at them because I'd found out that I could use my old MIS credits as an AoF and I was going for an Psych major anyway.
No prob!