02-24-2010, 10:30 AM
roughcowboy25 Wrote:if i take college algebra and satisitics on aleks course online then earn two ACe credit recommendation then will show "pass' on ACE transcript correct? i have math disability that i failed college algebra third time attempt and i have to find another college and transfer credit to my local community (gulf coast community college) do not accept ACE credit only military service member not student or adults. i need options.>>
If they don't take ACE, you won't get them to take ALEKS. Perhaps you could try the CLEP College Alegebra exam. They can and will make accommodations for documented disability. There is no penalty for failing the exam, and it's about $80, so if you pass- it's a very inexpensive way to pass the class!
Also, there are a lot of online college algebra courses that are self paced and or do not require a proctor (thus open book). I'm sure someone here can send you a few links. You might be better off making this question a new topic in the main forum.
Good luck!