02-22-2010, 01:28 PM
Lindagerr Wrote:I looked up some things and this is a contradiction of their published policy
Thomas Edison State College will accept the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE), for courses completed through business, industry, government and special organizations. These recommendations may be found at http://www.acenet.edu/nationalguide/.
This course is OK I called Back got Robert Burton and he said it is approved as MAT 102 and if anyone says otherwise to asl for Nia Abuwi. She is the Associate Director of Academic Advising and she said it is MAT-102
cheersmate cheersmate
Go go gadget emoticon! :puke: Linda, even though I'm running fever and a little delirious from said fever I must say you made me crack up. I feel like I'm part of some soap opera. Thank you! :willynilly: