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Teens Graduating Early ... What will you do next?

I agree, legal is the only way to go, especially with something like midwifery! However, in some states there are other ways to become a legal, licensed midwife other than by becoming a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife, the route you’ve described). Depending on the state, those who meet NARM requirements for certification (The North American Registry of Midwives) as well as their individual state requirements are eligible to become a CPM (Certified Professional Midwife). CPMs have a very limited practice, are not certified to prescribe medication or give continuity of care throughout the lifespan, are restricted to low-risk home births, etc. However, as long as they stay within the guidelines of their state, they are legally able to practice midwifery. Some states do not allow CPMs at all, only CNMs (North Carolina in as example), but in most states they are legal, although some are more restricted than others. Texas, where I live, is on of the easier places to become and practice as a CPM. Depending on their goals, many women choose the CPM option over the CNM option, because it’s cheaper but they can still receive excellent, valid training, and because they desire to do home births only. I know a missionary who chose this option, and she is even able to deliver babies in hospitals in the country she’s living (although I don't think this is typical). Many aspiring missionaries, such as RachelLamb, choose this option as well. You’re right, the programs that offer certificates or degrees are not accredited, but they do provide all the materials needed to pass the NARM and state requirements, and thus become legal. Ultimately, aspiring midwives need to assess their goals and determine which option is right for them. Because both are legal, I’m all for both CNMs and CPMs, and I think that both options are great!

Anyway, I don’t want this to turn into a “how to become a midwife” thread, that’s just my two cents!

Messages In This Thread
Teens Graduating Early ... What will you do next? - by MissCLEP - 02-15-2010, 10:14 AM

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