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I need testing suggestions
Lindagerr Wrote:I am getting closer to my final degree plan and I need some testing advice. I plan on taking the Race to save the planet DSST soon and that will finish my concentration credits. Oh I am going for my BA in Natural Science/Mathematics at TESC. I hope to eventually pass the Praxis I and or II and get a teaching certificate.

All of my other requirements except Gen. Ed. Electives and free electives are full. I was planning on taking CLEP Intro to Education Psychology, and DSST Organizational Behavior and Physical Geology as my Gen ed electives.

Then I was going to do DSST Foundations of Education and Astronomy and CLEP Human Growth & Development plus Excelsiors Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School for my free electives. I already have 7 of the free elective credits and I figured I would finish them off with 5 FEMA credits.

I would love to get others input on this plan.

I do not want to take any more MATH I have Algebra and Trig. so I can't do Precalc. and I don't think I could handle Calculus (it has been about 24 years since Trig)

I am not very interested in business so I don't think those type of courses are right for me.

I eventually would like to teach Science so I do lean toward the science exams with the Education ones to help me prepare for Praxis.

I am just wondering if anyone has suggestions to shorten my road, but still reach my objective,

Ok, I know you said no math, but if you did college algebra, there are 2 lower level algebras with ALEKS that you could whip out in no time. Really, the beginning algebra is very much like my son's 8th grade book. TESC does allow you to go lower even when you have higher credit in the subject (some colleges don't) so if you have the interest in trying ALEKS for a month, you might be able to knock out both of them for $20. (more expensive - but yielding 9 credits instead of 6 is intermediate algebra plus the college math clep)

Then my only other thought- have you checked if there will be any classes you'll need for your teacher's certificate? If so, you could use those for your degree now and kill two birds with one stone.

You are getting really close, and I think your line up looks great!

Messages In This Thread
I need testing suggestions - by Lindagerr - 01-05-2010, 07:04 PM
I need testing suggestions - by NAP - 01-05-2010, 11:56 PM
I need testing suggestions - by cookderosa - 01-06-2010, 12:06 AM
I need testing suggestions - by Lindagerr - 01-06-2010, 12:56 AM
I need testing suggestions - by Lindagerr - 01-06-2010, 07:42 AM
I need testing suggestions - by Lindagerr - 02-01-2010, 08:19 PM
I need testing suggestions - by soupbone - 02-01-2010, 08:47 PM
I need testing suggestions - by JanusthePhoenix - 02-01-2010, 09:32 PM
I need testing suggestions - by Lindagerr - 02-02-2010, 08:50 PM
I need testing suggestions - by NAP - 01-06-2010, 05:33 PM
I need testing suggestions - by Sunshine - 01-06-2010, 07:12 PM

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