09-30-2009, 08:18 PM
My test was very heavy on musical stuff, operas, composers, ect.. I'll tell ya if you are good with the IC flashcards and are scoring okay on the petersons you will be fine. My first set of petersons were 37, 47, 47. I set up another shadow account under my wifes name and hit 65 on the first one and 72 on the second. I only had three paintings to ID and they were very obvious two were actually on IC. For me I just had to watch my time only had 5 minutes left. As long as you have IC down solid, don't sweat it you'll do fine.
Intro to Psychology 53/50
Intro to Management 59/50
Intro to Sociology 62/50
Humanities 54/50
Intro to Computing 56/45
World Religions 405/400
Community College 9 sm hours Gen Elective
Intro to Psychology 53/50
Intro to Management 59/50
Intro to Sociology 62/50
Humanities 54/50
Intro to Computing 56/45
World Religions 405/400
Community College 9 sm hours Gen Elective