perrik Wrote:After a long angsty weekend, I decided to switch from the Lit In English major to Liberal Studies (with the lit credits becoming my Area Of Focus).
When I emailed my advisor about this, the response was interesting. You see, I enrolled at EC while they were still accepting D's, and I was unaware that I could purge certain credits within the first month after evaluation. So, my one D has been lingering in my GPA like grape juice on a white carpet. With only 15 credits left to take, and three of them being reserved for the pass/fail DSST College Algebra, that leaves me little opportunity to raise my GPA to a respectable level.
Guess what? If you switch degree programs, your credits are re-evaluated. And with re-evaluation comes a new chance to purge selected credits if you choose. The stain will remain on my transcript, of course, but now I can cover it up with a lovely new rug!
This is good-to-know info if you've realized that you need to pull up your GPA but don't have enough credits remaining to do so. If you have the flexibility to change degree programs, you have this second chance!
How bout just taking the same subject by exam and overwriting that D with the new grade?
Usually one bad mark does not have such a bad effect. Two As and one D is a B average.
One 3 credit D, added to 117 credits averaging a B, would have you graduating with a 2.95.
If you took an extra two 3 credit exams and got As on them your average would be back up to a 3.0.
EC - BSLS Finally done!
Went from 86 to 120 credits in six weeks thanks to IC and the forum.
Currently doing MBA pre-reqs.
Now BSLS + 9 credits
Went from 86 to 120 credits in six weeks thanks to IC and the forum.
Currently doing MBA pre-reqs.
Now BSLS + 9 credits