05-27-2009, 06:14 PM
malcs Wrote:I respect your opinion, but the actual percent of professors that are radical is relatively small. You might find quite a few liberals, but the number of those whack jobs that we all see on the news with some bizzare theory is exaggerrated by the news itself.
You do have a lot of professors that can't speak english well enough to be understood, and often foget to tuck in their shirts. I do know one who has forgotten to put his car in park at the top of the hill more than once, and was only worried that his briefcase was in the car as it rolled down the hill.
I suppose it depends on the perspective of the student, or, more precisely, the parent of the student. If they come from a fundamentalist Christian perspective, just the notion that someone with authority would even introduce the suggestion that, for example, same-sex marriage is acceptable, would be enough to steer them in the direction of looking for alternatives. I guess you have to measure radicalism in terms of the theological distance between the two parties. "Quite a few liberals?" Many would say that is exactly quite a few more than I want my kid around! (at least until it's completely unavoidable...)