05-03-2009, 11:50 PM
Public Speaking was my 1st DSST. I took the test in December of 2008 and I passed with a 62. You have roughly around 75 multiple choice questions. Very easy questions if you know stuff like how many main ideas are in a paragragh. The actual speaking part was slightly more difficult. I had 10 minutes to prepare a speech on a topic that they give you @ the last minute. I had to give a 5 minute speech in a taperecorder and I couldnt go over that time by 1 second or else i would have failed. Whatever your topic is, apply it to yourself and just start talking. Remember to have an opening sentence like Good Morning I am ______ and I'm her to talk to you today about ______. Dont forget your 3 main ideas and dont forget your conclusion. It's easy. I didnt study @ all. After I took that test, I was hooked. I take a clep once a month now and I'm 2 classes away from my CCAF. Good luck my friend.