Note that the evaluation you got is a 10 minute evaluation, and is worse case. You get an official evaluation within 8 weeks of enrollment. During that time, you probably want to contact your advisor and make a case for including some of those credits. That is what I am doing.
Pay your enrollment of $150 using a POAG discount, and see what the real evaluation tells you. Search for POAG and you will see how the discount works. It may just defer the enrollment fees till later in some cases, but will allow you to find out for $150, and enroll in another college if you don't like your formal assessment.
You think your case is bad, well mine seems much worse. It is almost a new kind of math, but I must admit that it is my fault for not finishing up in reasonable time.
My story is...
I have been an on/off/on student with Regents/Excelsior. I started in the late 80's, got an evaluation, showing that I needed 20 credits for my BSCS. This was before on-line courses, so 20 credits still took a long time.
I was originally given 104 credits, and added 16 or that I took at Empire.
I then took a 12 year break, and my new evaluation said I still needed about 104, despite the fact that I had added 16.
(104 + 16 = 104)
So, finally, the kids are mostly older and I can buckle down and do it. My latest evaluation shows me only 89 credits. So, I have lost 34 credits over the years!!!
(120 now equal 89)
(2 D grades no longer transfer, GRE CS credit now dropped)
I decided to just swallow it and get it done, and I have finished 21 (upper) of the 34 required in only three weeks, and will be all done in another two weeks.
All in all, it will take me five weeks to finish my BS. If it were not for IC I would have never had the motivation to do this. IC gets me half the way there, and with three days of studying I can get A or B on upper level courses.
Pay your enrollment of $150 using a POAG discount, and see what the real evaluation tells you. Search for POAG and you will see how the discount works. It may just defer the enrollment fees till later in some cases, but will allow you to find out for $150, and enroll in another college if you don't like your formal assessment.
You think your case is bad, well mine seems much worse. It is almost a new kind of math, but I must admit that it is my fault for not finishing up in reasonable time.
My story is...
I have been an on/off/on student with Regents/Excelsior. I started in the late 80's, got an evaluation, showing that I needed 20 credits for my BSCS. This was before on-line courses, so 20 credits still took a long time.
I was originally given 104 credits, and added 16 or that I took at Empire.
I then took a 12 year break, and my new evaluation said I still needed about 104, despite the fact that I had added 16.
(104 + 16 = 104)
So, finally, the kids are mostly older and I can buckle down and do it. My latest evaluation shows me only 89 credits. So, I have lost 34 credits over the years!!!
(120 now equal 89)
(2 D grades no longer transfer, GRE CS credit now dropped)
I decided to just swallow it and get it done, and I have finished 21 (upper) of the 34 required in only three weeks, and will be all done in another two weeks.
All in all, it will take me five weeks to finish my BS. If it were not for IC I would have never had the motivation to do this. IC gets me half the way there, and with three days of studying I can get A or B on upper level courses.