03-10-2009, 12:36 AM
thatbrian Wrote:Both Charter Oak and Excelsior answered questions for me when I had not given them a dime, and they were pleasant about it.
That has also been my experience with those schools. I probably emailed Excelsior ten or more times before I enrolled and they always answered my questions. Charter Oak was equally impressive.
Gary Wrote:I said this about TESC a couple of years ago. If you don't shell out $75.00 beforehand, you get no answers. Their counselor (I was amazed to have been x-ferred to the Crown Palace) said as much. His statement was almost to quote, "Answers cost money". That did it for me. I live about 30 miles away and I figured they could shove it. Excelsior is much better customer service wise, hands down. They got that New Joysey thing going on over there at TESC. I don't know if it's ignorance or arrogance or the combo, but they sure don't have the right business attitude. AND THEY ARE QUALIFIED TO GIVE A BUSINESS DEGREE OUT.....Go figure.
My husband shelled out the $75 and they STILL won't answer basic course requirement questions because he's not enrolled. :eek:
[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College
MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
Excelsior College
MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]