03-08-2009, 08:33 AM
Just got home from the night shift so I'll be brief. The people who bought more house than they could afford should not have been allowed in the first place. Banks paid personnel high bucks to weed them out. The lenders knew what they were getting involved in. My wife worked in banking since she got out of college in both direct and indirect lending and she is well aware of what goes on. The lender makes the final decision in direct lending. If someone's income is questionable or not qualifying, the lender's job was to see it didn't get done. The industry was frothing at the mouth w/these deals and obviously regulation was nil. I don't blame the homeowner in many cases, I blame the lenders plain and simple. But to move on to pork and Democrats, you obviously don't know where I stand with politicians as a whole. I think most are crooked and liars, both parties. What is totally unacceptable to me is conservative thought. It will destroy this country. If you think the poor and sinking middle class will stand for what has been happening, you are misled. I want my daughters to live in a safe environment with a fair opportunity in life. Many vocal conservatives are arrogant and snotty, any wealth they have obtained is hands off, regardless how they have come by it. I'd love to see them talk that smack in a dangerous neighborhood. Back to the pork, just in case you didn't realize, both parties will get close to an equal share of the pie, obviously the winning party gets more than the losers. Concerning your job, you prove my point exactly. You are concerned for your job, as you should be, so no way will you ever accept ANY reason for cutting the funding for the program. Whoever cuts it will pi$$ you off. That is happening every day to other unfortunates. But to conservatives, as long as it's not them, "Don't Worry, Be Happy". The pork ticks you off but it is affecting others in both a positive and negative way. When it's personal, then it matters. As for Barney Frank and the Dems, while they were supporters of this mess, it started at the TOP. Good ole, dubya wanted to increase home ownership for many. BUT......it sounds like a good plan, like the man has compassion. Wrong. With little if no regulation, his wealthy friends throughout the industry stood to gain "BIGTIME" from this circus and they did. And who were the losers? Many of these same homeowners and America. Both Dems and Republicans played a role and in the meantime, once again, the poor and middle class take a beating. When gov't says the wealthy, who have gained tremendously over the last 8 years must give a bigger slice of their taxes to Uncle Sam, you hear a collective grown across America. Then the Republicans head out and tell the country there they go again, they are raising your taxes. NO! They are raising YOUR taxes and now, hopefully, the populace in the red states are getting wise to this hot air. And the polls prove it is not working. So, the moral of the story is.......Ze tail doesn't wag ze dog!