02-19-2009, 12:24 AM
Here is a little bit of advice. Don't Spend a lot of money on TCN, RUE, Istudysmart or anyone who going to be reaching in your pocket for thousands of dollars. I have passed NC 1 & 2 with some study material i purchased on ebay by Lisa Arends. It only cost me $72 for study guides for all of the (nursing) exams and it is well worth it. She also has A&P, Microbiology, Pathophysiology, Ethics, Lifespan development psy for $12 each. You can't beat that anywhere! Instantcert academy is great, I have passed 6 (lifespan development psy,anthropology, criminal justice, law enforcement,US Hist 1,Here's to your health) exams using only instantcert. I went to take the human growth and development test and they said they had was lifespan dev. and I still passed it. I would advise using(nursing,a&p,micro,lifespan,ðics) Lisa Arends$72, Medstrong Nc1-7 $55, and instantcert (for all the rest, and ethics)$20 monthly*24= $480. Compare $604 to the thousands you will spend on all the rest(TCN,RUE,etc). As you know 1 study guide from TCN is $500. Believe me I know people who purchased TCN and it is sitting on cabinets collecting dust! Just try lisa arends along with instantcert and you will never regret it.