02-13-2009, 12:10 PM
gregjohnson Wrote:....only 9 credits count:
"The Heavin School also offers a unique opportunity for those who wish to pursue a Masters degree at Thomas Edison State College. Students who have earned at least 99 credits towards their Baccalaureate degree may apply for provisional admission to a Thomas Edison State College graduate degree. Students can earn up to 9 credits that will concurrently satisfy both the undergraduate and graduate degree requirements."
.......you need 99 credits to apply, up to 9 Grad level credits (500+) may also count as undergrad credit- just make sure they are in your Masters program.
Ahhhhh.....important find!! That certainly changes things.
My only two cents on taking master's classes, is that you should be pretty darn sure you want to finish with that college. Classes are hard, expensive, and VERY FEW colleges accept transfer credit of any kind. I know some do, but as a rule, if you move you loose.