RUDDIGORES statement was: I would like to see the dollars used by those who earned them, not by the nanny government which always knows best. Many people complain about the rich (I am not rich, by the way). But who is it that creates jobs? Do poor people create jobs? No, they need jobs; let the private sector provide the jobs, not the government.
Capitalism works if left alone. If you don't believe me...sorry.
Ruddigore, sorry I must address this statement. You give the rich too much credit........way too much credit. The middle class as well as the poor, have played a huge role in creating America, you seem to have forgotten that. Are you looking at what the wealthy are doing now? They are cutting jobs, taking their bonuses and running tail. If you respect and admire that, you need less recess and more study time. W/out loans....and workers, there aren't any jobs. In many cases, these rich you look up to are merely figureheads. Wealth does not necessarily = brains. In many instances, this wealth was created through unethical practices and fraud. While capitalism works, there is NO perfect system. Throw in intangibles such as lack of ethics, fraud, abuse, lobbyists, crooked politicians etc, and capitalism has its holes too. I don't think capitalism took all this into account in its earliest practices. Not at this level. Now, I must make a comment about pork to stay up w/the thread. I like pork but.........make sure it is fully cooked. Make sure you trim the fat first. Now, back to our show........ Ruddigore, I respect ironworkers, electricians, roofers, truckdrivers, people that WORK hard for their $$$ everyday. A suit & tie does not automatically mean that person works hard. Not that I don't like to wear them (I don't), but I will never say the wealthy create jobs. In todays climate, nothing could be further from the truth. Pick yourself up man, don't give them that much credit. To make one more pork comment, I agree that the stimulus package has many questions to be answered. No doubt about it. How long would you like to debate it???? People need jobs NOW. Blame the Democrats if you want, I have no love lost for them BUT the Republicans were running the ship and it ran aground. THAT, there can be no denying. Case closed, guilty as charged.
Capitalism works if left alone. If you don't believe me...sorry.
Ruddigore, sorry I must address this statement. You give the rich too much credit........way too much credit. The middle class as well as the poor, have played a huge role in creating America, you seem to have forgotten that. Are you looking at what the wealthy are doing now? They are cutting jobs, taking their bonuses and running tail. If you respect and admire that, you need less recess and more study time. W/out loans....and workers, there aren't any jobs. In many cases, these rich you look up to are merely figureheads. Wealth does not necessarily = brains. In many instances, this wealth was created through unethical practices and fraud. While capitalism works, there is NO perfect system. Throw in intangibles such as lack of ethics, fraud, abuse, lobbyists, crooked politicians etc, and capitalism has its holes too. I don't think capitalism took all this into account in its earliest practices. Not at this level. Now, I must make a comment about pork to stay up w/the thread. I like pork but.........make sure it is fully cooked. Make sure you trim the fat first. Now, back to our show........ Ruddigore, I respect ironworkers, electricians, roofers, truckdrivers, people that WORK hard for their $$$ everyday. A suit & tie does not automatically mean that person works hard. Not that I don't like to wear them (I don't), but I will never say the wealthy create jobs. In todays climate, nothing could be further from the truth. Pick yourself up man, don't give them that much credit. To make one more pork comment, I agree that the stimulus package has many questions to be answered. No doubt about it. How long would you like to debate it???? People need jobs NOW. Blame the Democrats if you want, I have no love lost for them BUT the Republicans were running the ship and it ran aground. THAT, there can be no denying. Case closed, guilty as charged.