02-12-2009, 08:20 PM
DWII Wrote:OUCH!!! That I would agree is the definition of PORK spending in action. In a time of economic crisis it's insane and practically traitorous to the American people!!! What a shame!!! :mad:Your right! So hop onboard the Independent train, they are headed on the right track. One thing is for sure, we need change. We can think for ourselves, we don't need Republicans/Democrats doublespeak. All people should be taken care of, not just a select few. As long as there's pigs, there will be pork!
Well at least it brought us entirely back on topic we should be grateful RIGHT??? :mad:
Sorry guys. I am VARY, VARY concerned about conservation and responsible management of the resources God gave us and it pains me deeply when these privileges of the human race are abused, but 30 million when we've got this sort of economic crisis just raises my dander a little too much. In reality it's just a sad reflection of those we elected to govern us! This should strike vary deep into the harts and minds of all Americans.