01-30-2009, 06:42 PM
Thanks boot. I hjad to push back my tests date until tuesday of next week. But thats good to know. And there has to be something fishy about a 115 question test that has a max of 90 minutes. I will try to stay calm.

[SIZE="2"]TESC-AS: Electronic Systems
TESC-BA: History
Phoenix College-MBA: Masters of Business Administration
Keller Graduate School-MISM: Masters of Information Systems Management
"There's always something waiting at the end of the road. If you're not willing to see what it is; you probably shouldn't be out there in the first place."
[SIZE="1"]Cleps/DSST Failed:
Intro to Psychology 45/46, Chemistry 47/50
Cleps/DSST Passed:
Analyzing/Interp Lit 48/47, Intro to Computing 64/47
Business Law 53/50, English Comp w Essay 54/50
College Mathematics 54/50, MIS 445/400
Biology 56/50, Technical Writing 59/46
Sociology 67/50, World Religions 445/400
Intro Middle East 51/47 Environment/Humanity 51/46
Human/GrowDevelop 65/50 Educational Psych 55/50
Ethics 460/400 Vietnam War 64/44
Civil War/Recon 56/47 Western Europe 59/45
US History 1 59/50 US History 2 61/50
Western Civ 2 56/50
Intro to Stats
Intermediate Algebra
College Algebra w Trig