12-22-2008, 03:01 PM
hi im also new in this world of clep and online schooling. i am an LVN and working on getting my RN i signed up with the college network and they provided me with the material to study for the clep. i really wish i would have known before that i didn't need to do that. its a good thing that i have most of my prerequisites done so i only had to pay for a few classes. i took my first CLEP last month it was sociology and i passed with a 75 which was pretty good i guess. i was really worried about studying a whole subject and then testing on it but it wasn't that bad. unfortunately my next clep is information systems which is something that i really don't like so im having a hard time staying on track. i am half way through the book and i will test on it hopefully in January. i was reading through some posts and i saw someone talking about a FEMA test at the risk of sounding ignorant what is a FEMA test?