02-03-2025, 07:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2025, 07:02 PM by ReyMysterioso.)
The article keeps mentioning "think tank" policies. But shouldn't they be anti-think tanks? Requiring students to “defend the American tradition and Western civilization" seems counterproductive to higher learning. Part of the point is a marketplace of competing ideas. If we just box students in to parrot that the American tradition and western civilization is the best and only way - that smacks of the Soviet style to me. In the Soviet Union, discussing the merits of competing systems was heavily discouraged, and people who spoke out against the status quo ...well.... you wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
I hold four degrees and have taken classes at a dozen different schools. Not once have I encountered a single Marxist instructor. In my opinion, the idea that colleges are radicalizaing young people just doesn't hold any water.
(Obviously, the water is held in underwater basket weaving courses.)
I hold four degrees and have taken classes at a dozen different schools. Not once have I encountered a single Marxist instructor. In my opinion, the idea that colleges are radicalizaing young people just doesn't hold any water.
(Obviously, the water is held in underwater basket weaving courses.)