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Best Online College Algebra class?
twosidneys Wrote:JB Junior,

You wrote well but I want to squeeze as much information out of you as I can! I am thinking of having my children take Economics 1, Composition 1 and College Algebra from COSC accepts all 3 but has not yet determined whether College Algebra counts for its general education requirement.

Would you mind writing a few (or many) more sentences telling us about what the process was like taking the course, what suggestions you have for us and anything else. We want more!


Sidney and family

I will be glad to, I just got my four psychology essays done, my 16 month old to bed (wife works on the weekends) and don't get back to work until the morning (active duty military) hilarious

ETA: The actual course consists of 05 exams with 20 questions that range in difficulty. It is set up through blackboard which a lot of colleges use. They want you to use their text book which is expensive or for almost the same price you can get the e-book. I rented a college algebra book from the library. I thought about ordering their book while I was doing the course because there were somethings that were required that were not in my book. But overall if you can find a decent college algebra book you should be fine, the one I got is old.

Anyway, I was not happy with the system originally. Partly due to my reading comprehension I thought that all of their partner colleges would accept all of the credits. I was planning on doing the two economics courses and college algebra, transferring them to FHSU and then on to TESC. Jenifer, the point of contact there, informed me that FHSU didn't accept the economics classes but COSC does accept all three. For me the cost would not have been beneficial for that method because I can CLEP the courses for free, and she said there was around 17 lessons in the economics courses. She didn't think I would have been able to complete them in the allotted time (25 days). Which goes to their other issue, you have to cancel the $99 program 30 days in advance. They have just now(maybe not officially yet) changed that policy because it was not beneficial to anyone. If you put in the time and effort and are willing to pay the fees to COSC, it is well worth it. If you just want to get the college algebra course for a total of $129, you can get it on a transcript at FHSU with a letter grade. Of course it won't matter once I send it to TESC because it will only have a "CR" there. The best thing has going for it is customer service through Jenifer. She was on top of everything and was very prompt answering emails. The system is new to everyone and she will go into great detail answering any questions beforehand. If I had asked the right questions, I would have still used for the College Algebra.

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