08-04-2024, 12:35 PM
Everything cc95 is 100% true. Could you be okay in this program without an MBA? Absolutely but unlike an MBA there is so much more depth to this program. The format is similar but that's about it. This is a doctorate program and the material required is much more in-depth. This requires someone to not only write but maintain a higher language requirement. I work with several professors and they noted my experience and prior education is fine but there were several times I was told to up my writing style and increase my exposure. This was very hard at first especially since the program was not around when I first finished my MBA and was getting back into the swing of things. My advice is don't go over board with the writing or pages. Professors don't care if you write 100 or 10 pages. They care more about the quality of the writing. WGU kinda makes you write to the rubric and South does the same but they also care about the quality of your writing. That is what separates it from a master's program. It is very tough I will say but you get used to the level required.