06-27-2024, 12:47 PM
(06-21-2024, 01:05 PM)ss20ts Wrote: I don't know why anyone would become a teacher today.
Teaching is a job which is essentially AI proof. Even if all the actual teaching is done by a computer program, people still want a physical adult human there to babysit their kids all day. Teaching can also be done by the elderly, by people who have been out of the workforce, or people who are switching in from an entirely different field. Teaching is also one of the jobs which is easiest to get work abroad or across the country with. Aside from that, the past few years, people have started getting addicted to information - both reading new information and passing it along. I think this makes some people think they want to be general teachers.
Anyways, as others have suggested, you have to pick and choose the school. Unfortunately you have no idea what the school is going to be like until you get hired there, but that's the same for all jobs. In my case I am at the only school within commute distance (the next town is 2.5 hours away by bus) so I'm stuck here for the time being.
Started a new technique, I printed out a daily worksheet of timed activities to do and set alarms. The alarm has a picture and text to speech telling me messages. To turn the alarm off I have to do a math problem each time. I do an activity for up to 15min at a time, then move to the next one and check off the previous one. I do it so I earn some money then work on homework right when I wake up in the morning, to start my day off motivational. This technique needs some refining but it is working alright so far.
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.