03-23-2024, 02:46 AM
I've been in school for many years and I don't plan on stopping. Many disciplines change over the years with more advanced research. How CPR is performed has changed after learning from our mistakes. I do work, I've never stopped working, but I had to reduce my hours from FT to PT in order to complete the master's degree program, which only took me 1 year and 1 quarter to complete. I've been in school for an over extended amount of years due to insults from people because I'm learning disabled. It has taken me longer than normal. The way that I see it is, I'd rather be a 40 year old with a degree than be a 40 year old without a degree. Yes, it may not be productive, but at least it's time well spent because I'm learning and working at the same time. It's better than working full-time and staying home after work and not learning anything at all. The money that I receive from financial aid (because my PT job doesn't cover the bill) is spent on education. There are people who work and make lots of $$ and they blow it on luxurious vacations, those people can be picked on too. The money that I receive go towards education. There may be many factors as to why someone is in school for an extended amount of years. Yes, it may be a middle-age crisis, but for others, it may be a dream that they've always wanted to accomplish but didn't have the time in their youth to achieve. Yes, I do feel young being in school with younger people and I've never looked my age, which has helped me. Bottom line, we never truly know the reason/s why someone may be continuously enrolling in school and accruing debt. It's really no one's business. It's not like you're personally handed their debt. For me, school is a place of acceptance. I'm welcomed there and I'm heard. I love reading and doing schoolwork, which other people despise. I hate my job and I look forward to a career change. I've earned multiple degrees and will continue to do so whether this bothers others or not. Education has no age limit or expiration date. Being productive is important, yes, because it makes you a productive member of society, but let's not forget that we are taught to shame others for being unemployed or for being in school too long. Unemployment is not a bad thing, there are seasonal workers who file for unemployment insurance because the nature of their job (seasonal fruit pickers) leaves them no other choice. So, should they be picked on for continuously filing for unemployment benefits? "Ohhh...you're ALWAYS on unemployment..Get a JOB!" Um, no! We can't judge others because we haven't walked in their shoes, we don't necessarily know what others are going through. If someone wants to be in school forever, well...that's their decision to make. I'd rather hear that someone is in school, where they are learning, than to work at a fast food restaurant for 15-20 years and making a career out of THAT!