01-22-2024, 03:07 PM
(01-22-2024, 07:40 AM)Old Guy Wrote: The North was industrial, the South agricultural and the country was ruled for protection of industry. Six percent of Southerners owned slaves. The immediate cause of the Civil War was the failure of the North to withdraw troops from the south. Slavery only became a major issue in the North in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery was legal in the North through 1865. A big cause was Lincoln's bitter rhetoric dividing people to win election - like Joe Biden's blood red speech when he descended into hell. What did I get wrong?
Slavery only became a major issue in the North in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation.
The original draft of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson had a specific reference to slavery.
"He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain."
Slavery was legal in the North through 1865.
Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island had all taken steps to outlaw slavery by the time the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788.
The U.S. wasn't founded on slavery as the media would like you to believe; in fact, the U.S. was the world leader in ending slavery.
A big cause was Lincoln's bitter rhetoric dividing people to win the election.
In the Election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in 10 southern states, though despite this, he still won the election.
Abraham Lincoln divided people? The Southern establishment divided people and tried to prevent citizens from voting for the person they wanted for president.
The immediate cause of the Civil War was the failure of the North to withdraw troops from the south.
Under what authority can the South tell the U.S. government where to put its troops? Under what authority does the South have to form its own army, then use that army to attack the U.S. military?
While states' rights, which included the right for slavery, were some of the key political issues at the time, an attack on the U.S. military is an act of war, which led to the start of the Civil War.
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Course Experience: CLEP, Instantcert, Sophia.org, Study.com, Straighterline.com, Onlinedegree.org, Saylor.org, Csmlearn.com, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management