10-03-2023, 12:15 AM
(10-02-2023, 09:41 AM)shrekr Wrote: Hello all, found this forum last weekend, found lot of useful information. I learnt more about certain programs in just half a day compared to what I learnt in the past week of digging online. Thank you very much for sharing.
I am 50 and currently a senior manager in a fairly large company. There may be one more promotion left in me and I would like to equip myself with a MBA degree to enable it. I don't thing an expensive MBA adding a lot of value for me, at this stage of my career, from ROI point of view.
I am looking for a budget online MBA program, with no specific specialization in mind. My main expectations are:
1. Online only
2. Budget, willing to spend a maximum of $35k
3. the school should be accredited (AASCB is my preference, I might go with ACBSP if there is a compelling reason)
4. I want the school to be ranked among the top 50 in USA. ***
5. I am willing to spend upto 2 years on this program
Most of the MBA programs listed in this thread are definitely within my budget, however most of them do not fare well in terms of US News rankings.
***I compared rankings for schools offering online MBA, I tried "US News", "Princeton" and "Poets and Quants". These 3 companies have similar results for top 10 schools, and somewhat aligned on the next 10-20 schools, however beyond 20 the rest of the schools were very different by these three companies.
1. It seems me that "US News" has better recognition for their rankings compared to the other 2 companies. Is this a fair conclusion?
2. In the absence of standardized ratings for schools offering online MBA, I would like to understand, how valuable is the Ranking provided by "US News"? Am I chasing something that is not valuable?
I found the below schools satisfying my criteria
University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium; Ranked -9; Tuition-$29700
University of Massachusetts - Amherst; Ranked -12; Tuition-$33300
Ball State University; Ranked -19; Tuition-$27040
University of South Florida (Muma); Ranked -19; Tuition-$34200
Oklahoma State University (Spears); Ranked -27; Tuition-$17490
Rawls College of Business; Ranked -33; Tuition-$23058
University of Massachusetts--Lowell; Ranked -35; Tuition-$35370
University of Memphis (Fogelman); Ranked -45; Tuition-$25308
I will appreciate different insights and thought processes.
I would go with UIUC or BU