Hi guys, exciting news. Deepl can translate ENEB pdfs very well. The point: I'm using this as language study. Let's pretend I want a management job in China or need to get myself to university level Chinese. I translate the ENEB pdfs to Chinese, read them once in English then once in Chinese, which serves as both language practice and a review of the course material. I could even write my assignments in Chinese first, then translate them to English using DeepL and fix the kinks before submitting them.
I'm aware DeepL isn't perfect, also well aware I could just buy a Business Administration textbook in Chinese or watch some YouTube videos in Chinese, but the point is more bang for the buck! And Chinese is just an example, DeepL has a lot of languages. Getting an MBA is impressive - however it seems a lot less impressive if you don't know any of the vocabulary in the language of the local country during a job interview.
Addition: For listening practice, you could run it through a good text to speech tool (not one that sounds too computer-y).
This could end up opening up some good opportunities pretty fast, for example getting to a decent level in Spanish quickly then getting more and cheaper degrees taught in Spanish elsewhere or even getting the Spanish-only degrees at ENEB itself. There are some higher learning institutions in Japan, Indonesia, China, etc, taught online or in person in their respective languages, priced at $2000 USD a year or less.
I'm aware DeepL isn't perfect, also well aware I could just buy a Business Administration textbook in Chinese or watch some YouTube videos in Chinese, but the point is more bang for the buck! And Chinese is just an example, DeepL has a lot of languages. Getting an MBA is impressive - however it seems a lot less impressive if you don't know any of the vocabulary in the language of the local country during a job interview.
Addition: For listening practice, you could run it through a good text to speech tool (not one that sounds too computer-y).
This could end up opening up some good opportunities pretty fast, for example getting to a decent level in Spanish quickly then getting more and cheaper degrees taught in Spanish elsewhere or even getting the Spanish-only degrees at ENEB itself. There are some higher learning institutions in Japan, Indonesia, China, etc, taught online or in person in their respective languages, priced at $2000 USD a year or less.
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.