08-03-2023, 11:03 AM
(04-07-2022, 03:47 PM)Cole22 Wrote: Is anyone taking this course now with Professor Noah Winslow? We have gone back and forth about 8 times on an answer to a milestone and I feel like we are reading two different things regarding what the question is asking. It's the milestone about Ghemawatt AAA strategy that he's asking for something different than the milestone, and when I answer his questions, he says that's not the milestone question.
That professor was awful. I dropped his course and plan to finish my degree with non-business courses to avoid having him again. He would take days to provide pedantic, irrelevant feedback.
The last straw with him came after three iterations on a milestone. Grammarly scored my milestone at 99%, yet he kept telling me that while the concepts were correct, the writing style was not up to par... I have received perfect marks in every other University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) class, including English!
It would be one thing if he were a great authority on business and was pushing us towards greatness by asking insightful questions. However, his LinkedIn profile reveals that his day job is as a low-level marketer. UMPI should hire stronger professors.