05-24-2023, 07:28 AM
(05-24-2023, 05:24 AM)Oktoberfest Wrote: Would a BLS from UMPI suffice for applying at ENEB?
Yes, absolutely. ENEB doesn't care what your degree is in, so long as you hold a valid Bachelor's degree.
However, I still maintain that a Liberal Studies degree is probably not the best option for someone who is living in and plans to remain in Germany indefinitely. As far as I can tell, a "Bachelor of Liberal Studies" is not a degree that exists in Germany. There are "Liberal Arts" degrees, but they seem to be like American "Bachelor of Arts" degrees. Things like Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Photography; very specific degrees that cover a single topic. They're not quite the same thing as the American Bachelor of Liberal Studies degrees where you are expected to cover 2 or more subjects. So the BLS degree may or may not be considered "legitimate" by current and future employers. I strongly recommend going with the BABA Project Management, as you previously mentioned, rather than a BLS. European employers in general are going to be more likely to understand what a Business degree is, rather than a Liberal Studies degree.
(05-24-2023, 05:24 AM)Oktoberfest Wrote: And is the whole master really only 300€ like I read or does that only count when applying for the 2nd MBA?
It can actually be cheaper than 300€. The timing may need to be right, but it can be under 200€. You don't need the MBA for the Master to count, but it may be looked on slightly more favorably in certain circumstances to have both.
The ENEB degrees are a bit of a tricky situation for Germans. The degrees are legit and above-board in Spain, but not recognized (as far as we can tell) in Germany. I am not an expert, but I don't think it's illegal to say that you've got such a degree. Employers may or may not look upon them favorably. We do know that at least one student in Belgium was able to get their employer to give them a pay raise based on having completed an ENEB degree, however, so it shouldn't be completely useless outside of Spain.
I would suggest Googling for something like "Spanien titulos propios Arbeitgeber Deutschland" and see if you can find any Spaniards talking about using their Titulo Propio in Germany or Germans wanting to use a Spanish Titulo Propio in Germany. Unfortunately, my Deutsch ist sehr, sehr schlecht and it'd probably take me a long time to find anything relevant.

In progress:
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA
Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), Study.com (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA
Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), Study.com (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210