05-23-2023, 08:17 AM
(05-23-2023, 07:03 AM)origamishuttle Wrote: For WGU courses, I never opened any of their materials. I only took the preassessment to get an idea for the exam (objective assessment or OA), and then used outside materials to study, like Udemy or Quizlet. For papers/projects (performance assessments or PAs), I would scaffold them out from the requirements/rubric and fill in the blanks. It's low pressure because there are unlimited attempts for PAs, although I always tried to be fairly complete on my first attempt, so I only had a couple that were returned for small corrections.
And I'm doing the exact opposite at WGU. I read every document in the course. I watch every single video. I don't take my Pre-Assessments until I've read everything and watched all of the videos. I attend the cohorts for my classes and review everything emailed to me by the CI after the meeting. The strategy above may work for some undergrad courses in which you have some knowledge. I'm in grad school and this methodology would not work in my program. People attempt it all the time and their work gets kicked back to them multiple times which causes further delays. You are supposed to be learning something. If you already know the material that's one thing, but if it's all new to you and you just try to wing, chances are high that it won't go very well for you.