09-16-2008, 10:25 PM
hunger4god Wrote:I'm enrolled in English Composition at EC right now only because they won't accept either of my English Comp CLEP exams (w/ and w/o essay).
The class isn't too bad, neither is the total course load. My problem is that they only release the full details of your assignments, essays and howework one week at a time!! In other words, it's almost impossible to work ahead. In my opinion this defeats the purpose of the online environment. If I wanted to be "locked" into a strict week-by-week schedule I wouldn't be taking a class online.
My experience with Central Texas College online courses was much better. You could work ahead as much as possible. The only thing you couldn't do was take a mid-term or final exam early. Other than that you could complete all the reading, homework, essays, and projects ahead of time. So, I needed to vent on the forum about it. Thought you should know.
I feel for you, that would drive me crazy. I "get" the need for the discussion forum posts to be on topic and on time, but the homework and reading? Arghh. Very frustrating.