04-19-2023, 03:03 PM
(04-19-2023, 12:30 PM)rachel83az Wrote: Just so you (and future students) don't wind up getting confused and/or going to the wrong place, it's "Sophia", not "Shopia".haha oh thanks for the info and correction LOL
Why don't you think all of your credits will transfer? IIRC, UMPI accepts anything C or better. So, even your Precalculus should transfer. You can see GEC (gen eds at other schools) equivalencies for Sophia here: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/UM...quivalents
A fuller degree plan for History is here: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/UM...egree_Plan
I would start by creating a spreadsheet and matching up what you have to GEC requirements. Example: Biological Sciences w/ lab will meet requirements 3C and 3E. I don't see a physical science to meet requirement 3D, so you'd want to take either Environmental Science or Intro to Chemistry from Sophia. You do not need the Intro to Chemistry Lab, because you already have a lab science.
Classes that have the same or similar names should work for the same requirements as the Sophia classes. Survey of US History I = Sophia US History I. You wouldn't need to take Sophia's Sociology class because you already have Introduction of Sociology. Human Geography meets requirement 5A but NOT 2B (see http://catalog.umpi.edu/preview_program....3&poid=239 ).
Once you have your spreadsheet figured out, share it here and we can help you make any tweaks.
As for whether the Sophia classes will hinder your efforts to get a Master's degree, they shouldn't. I would contact the school(s) that you're interested in to see if they care about ACE credits in your undergrad degree, but most graduate schools don't care that much about the gen eds and electives. Especially not if you plan on taking the major courses through UMPI.