03-07-2023, 06:20 PM
my school send me a list of immunization required for my next semester of nursing degree, because I will be going to work as internship in a hospital here.
I'm not born in US so my immunization card only has a few immunization shot required by my school.
where will be the best place to get these immunization?
I need to get those immunization submitted by end of May.
Faculty and students of health sciences programs must submit proof of immunity for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella.
We recommend titer reports, but we do accept appropriate vaccination records [MMR (2), Varicella (2)].
If you have had the disease, you will need to submit a titer report to prove immunity. Immunity to hepatitis B is proven by submission of both, three hepatitis B vaccines and a positive titer; however, hepatitis B immunity may be waived.
Please submit appropriate documentation with the completed health form.
If vaccination records are no longer available, please order the following:
❖ Titers: IgG EIA Measles Antibody IgG EIA Mumps Antibody IgG EIA Rubella Antibody IgG EIA Varicella Antibody Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Quantitative Serum Titer
❖ If the student has either an equivocal or negative serologic test result, proof of appropriate booster is required per CDC recommendation. IgM tests are not required.
❖ The student must have a documented testing for tuberculosis. The Quantiferon Gold or TSpot TB screening is recommended. However, the Two-Step PPD skin test may be used. (Second PPD is to be done 48-72 hours after first PPD reading has been done.) REVISED PLEASE CHECK
❖ A single PPD is required every year thereafter.
I'm not born in US so my immunization card only has a few immunization shot required by my school.
where will be the best place to get these immunization?
I need to get those immunization submitted by end of May.
Faculty and students of health sciences programs must submit proof of immunity for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella.
We recommend titer reports, but we do accept appropriate vaccination records [MMR (2), Varicella (2)].
If you have had the disease, you will need to submit a titer report to prove immunity. Immunity to hepatitis B is proven by submission of both, three hepatitis B vaccines and a positive titer; however, hepatitis B immunity may be waived.
Please submit appropriate documentation with the completed health form.
If vaccination records are no longer available, please order the following:
❖ Titers: IgG EIA Measles Antibody IgG EIA Mumps Antibody IgG EIA Rubella Antibody IgG EIA Varicella Antibody Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Quantitative Serum Titer
❖ If the student has either an equivocal or negative serologic test result, proof of appropriate booster is required per CDC recommendation. IgM tests are not required.
❖ The student must have a documented testing for tuberculosis. The Quantiferon Gold or TSpot TB screening is recommended. However, the Two-Step PPD skin test may be used. (Second PPD is to be done 48-72 hours after first PPD reading has been done.) REVISED PLEASE CHECK
❖ A single PPD is required every year thereafter.