08-31-2022, 04:40 PM
(08-21-2022, 01:05 PM)historyhehe Wrote: Hi all! Currently enrolled in History and have been given permission to transfer in Sophia courses while I work through my remaining UMPI courses.
Has anyone transferred in anything that satisfied some of the 24 UL credits that are required? Is there a list or anything of these that will transfer? Thanks!
When I did it, I transferred in both SDC Vietnam courses. The LL one transferred in as HTY 439 and the other transferred in as a 3XX UL history elective, but filled one of the requirement slots. The benefit, for me, was that by doing one of the Vietnam classes you were well over halfway through the other one. Made for a pretty quick six credits.
That said, I really liked Professors Sebold and Zaborney. If you just do the history classes at UMPI, you will get a nice mix of easy (short) and difficult (long) ones. If you're looking for speed, I'd recommend taking as many classes that are HTY/POS cross-coded as you can, as those seem to be shorter, on average, but you really can't go wrong by just taking the classes that interest you most. I will, however, recommend Arab-Israeli conflict.