Wrote:All I have is the eval that I posted on this thread. they didn't break it down for me. Just FAA CERTIFICATION. I have an ATP with several type ratings. I'm not sure if I get credit for each type rating or what.Thanks for your reply. I see you're no closer than I am to the official answer. Well, that's not entirely true, at least you've got the wheels rolling.
On another forum, someone posted this in 2007:
[INDENT]From the Excelsior Business Catalog (page 47):
Private Pilot 4 semester hours
Commercial 6 semester hours
Instrument 6 semester hours
Multiengine 2 semester hours
Flight Instructor 2 semester hours
ADDENDUM: I should add that I received an email from Excelsior that reiterated this info.
What I'm hoping to get an answer to is whether the 6 credits for the Commercial rating is in addition to the 4 credits for the Private, or if the Commercial supersedes the Private. All in good time, I suppose.
Anyway, congratulations on taking the leap, and good luck on finishing up.