(07-22-2022, 01:40 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: True, I would still only recommend getting the HA if it's an absolute must for recognition. For countries that will take a simple "internal" evaluation and deem it acceptable already, then there really isn't a need for NARIC evaluation or the HA stamp.
The HA has only one purpose. To certify the attached document as genuine - not a forgery. It has nothing to do with the validity of whatever entity issued it. Degree mills often tout it as some "Holy Form Of International Accreditation." If Euro countries require it - it's only as a guarantee against accepting a forgery. It often serves as the handiest device for degree mills since the invention of the laser printer. They tell you that people will believe implicitly in ANYTHING that has a HA attached. Unfortunately, once in a very long while, they're right.
"Dumbford University" may operate from behind a peeling doorway in Karachi, Pakistan - but when they attach a HA to its spurious degrees, the Dumbford Deans (an unscrupulous grocer and his enterprising stock-boy) raise the price from $2000 to $4000 - and Dumbford U. is the new Harvard of South Asia. (It's NOT!!!) All it means is that it actually came from the REAL Dumbford U (mill) - not Seven Dwarfs University, the other mill, two blocks over or anywhere other than Dumbford.
The only time you should get a HA is if some Euro (or US) sticklers flatly, positively and absolutely require you show a HA - and say so, Otherwise, it's a useless waste of money. In fact, be VERY careful indeed, if a school you haven't seen before starts talking about its degrees being first-rate because they're apostilled. Not NEARLY always a good sign.