I passed both management and marketing with a 77.
I would recommend getting a month's subscription to this website, InstantCert, if you don't have one already - that's a must. Take one subject at a time, go through the flashcards until you know them backwards and forwards, and then take the test. We're talking about probably going through the flashcards for a specific subject about four times.
Marketing was the easiest - start with that and then take the test, so it's out of the way. Management was a little harder, but not bad at all if you know the flashcards.
I don't believe I used the Peterson's practice tests for either of those two subjects - so I don't think you need to either... believe me - InstantCert is enough, all by itself. I definitely didn't have previous knowledge in either of those two subjects, either.
For extra "insurance", as ShotoJuku puts it, I would recommend getting the REA books (search on Amazon for "rea clep marketing", and "rea clep management". You don't need to read the whole book - just thumb through it so you can get a taste of the subject... and use it as a reference if you come across any tricky material in the IC flashcards.
The links to my study outlines (based on the IC flashcards) for both subjects are posted below.
Hope this helps... if you have any other questions, just post here or PM me.
I passed both management and marketing with a 77.
I would recommend getting a month's subscription to this website, InstantCert, if you don't have one already - that's a must. Take one subject at a time, go through the flashcards until you know them backwards and forwards, and then take the test. We're talking about probably going through the flashcards for a specific subject about four times.
Marketing was the easiest - start with that and then take the test, so it's out of the way. Management was a little harder, but not bad at all if you know the flashcards.
I don't believe I used the Peterson's practice tests for either of those two subjects - so I don't think you need to either... believe me - InstantCert is enough, all by itself. I definitely didn't have previous knowledge in either of those two subjects, either.
For extra "insurance", as ShotoJuku puts it, I would recommend getting the REA books (search on Amazon for "rea clep marketing", and "rea clep management". You don't need to read the whole book - just thumb through it so you can get a taste of the subject... and use it as a reference if you come across any tricky material in the IC flashcards.
The links to my study outlines (based on the IC flashcards) for both subjects are posted below.
Hope this helps... if you have any other questions, just post here or PM me.
57 credits done... 63 more to go!
B.S.B.A. International Business
Thomas Edison State College
Soli Deo Gloria!
B.S.B.A. International Business
Thomas Edison State College
Soli Deo Gloria!