08-12-2008, 11:47 PM
When I was thinking..and thinking...and thinking...about taking my first test, I just couln't sit down and study one subject. I kept changing my mind about which exam to take. I finally called the test center to get info about how to schedule an exam and the lady said, "Are you ready to set a date now?" I hesitated a moment and then told her....Yes. So there I had it, I had a test to study for. I scheduled on a Weds. and took the test on Tuesday. Can't procrastinate if you got a deadline looming.
BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!
Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458
Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!
GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)
BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!
Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458
Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!
GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)